: Haplozetidae. : Lagenobates lagenulus.
  • Creative Commons Attribution | Anna Seniczak |

The family Haplozetidae occurs worldwide except in Antarctica. Species of this family are found both in dry and moist environments. They occur in soil and litter in forests, grasslands, peatlands, and gardens, and in dry grass and in caves.

Haplozetidae Grandjean, 1936
Creative Commons Attribution | Anna Seniczak | Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen
  • Creative Commons Attribution | Anna Seniczak |

The species is distributed across the Palearctic and Canada. It is characteristic of raised bogs, and is also found in pastures. It is an intermediate host of Moniezia tapeworms that are parasitic in mammals, including sheep, goat and cattle. Lagenobates lagenulus was first found in Norway in 2019, in a broadleaf forest, but very few individuals were found.

Lagenobates lagenulus (Berlese, 1904)
Creative Commons Attribution | Anna Seniczak | Universitetsmuseet i Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen
Kart. Utbredelse i Norge.